View towards south from 20M tower
> SM3W Contest Station :.
Saturday, July 27, 3:16
:: Contest results

Here is where I try to publish my results. I don't have the energy to put past results here prior to when I made the homepage but maybe one day I will have the motivation for that. The scores here are claimed ones though.

Lately I have done a lot of contesting from SM2HWG. Check this site for those results ->

:: European HF Championship
Band CW Qs SSB Qs Mults
160M 36 6 31
80M 104 55 49
40M 101 26 49
20M 100 221 54
15M 107 94 56
10M 107 65 52

Total: 555 467 291 = 297,402 pts

See 3830 report for more info and comments.

:: Scandinavian Activity Contest SSB
Band Qsos Mults
160M 0 0
80M 0 0
40M 0 0
20M 774 65
15M 0 0
10M 0 0

Total: 774 65 = 109,785 pts

See 3830 report for more info and comments.

Band Qsos Points
160M 13 26
80M 300 657
40M 65 177
20M 624 1034
15M 413 1039
10M 0 0

Total: 1415 2933 x 676 pfx = 1,997,976 pts
See 3830 report for more info and comments.

:: 9A CW Contest
Band Qsos Mults
160M 80 28
80M 229 35
40M 259 37
20M 353 47
15M 37 13
10M 0 0

Total: 958 160 Score: 394,880 pts

See 3830 report for more info and comments.



:: About SM3WMV :.
Name: Mikael Larsmark
Location: Bäck, Sweden
Age: 23
QRV since: 1997-07-07
Occupation: Student
Contact me: e-mail

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All Content © 2006 SM3WMV